Monday, August 17, 2009


Sweet snapshots of babies with their melon
serene and peaceful

These photos came to me in an old file folder marked "Poison"
The grease pencil markings are from use at trial or perhaps newspaper crop marks
The back reads: "Seven Plumeria Leis each, Hawaii 1951"
This is my favorite snapshot. There was a McDonald's just like this one on the corner where I grew up in Memphis. I remember waiting in the car while my mom went in and got cheeseburgers and those smooshy fries.

More snapshots from the road

Vacation Snapshots

Mercedes crossing a bridge. I love the hood ornament
and the reflection of the bridge on the hood.

A '51 Buick inside a petrified tree

bears at Yellowstone

a view of the White House from a tour bus
I adore this snapshot of pure Americana.